Paola Model
Paola's Photo meeting
I'm making special photo meeting for photographers. I choosing special locations, clothes and styling. If You are a photographer and interesting to join my photo meeting, please contact me.

About me
My name is Paola and I am a professional model. I live in Israel, Tel Aviv - the capital of ART.
I do modeling for photographers, video productions and work with brands. As a live model
I work with artists, art groups, and art academies. Currently I am organizing photo and drawing meetings for photographers and painters. See below.

Paola's photos from her photo meetings

Paola's photo gallery

Paola in the paintings of artists
Paola Model in photo magazines
    Paola Model, everything beautiful and amazing begins here and now.
    For more questions and business inquiries,
    please fill this contact form
    This is the official website of the model Paola Barenfeld.
    Here you can see my photo and video galleries,
    to join my online painting session project,
    and to receive all the information about me.

    © Paola Barenfeld Model.